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Cathy's sculpting style is expressionistic and impressionistic, reminiscent of the sculptures of Degas and Bugatti. She seeks to capture the essence of her subject in a pleasing and joyful sculpture. She uses a variety of materials, and has worked in wood, stone, bronze and precious metals. She currently works in bronze, in very limited editions, matching technique and material to the inspiration ands subject.

Her work ranges in size from a few inches to monumental, some 14 feet tall. Any small piece can be enlarged to desired dimensions. The space in her beachside studio in Vero Beach, Florida allows her to work on life-sized projects, and the weather is conducive to working outdoors. She travels extensively, both for field research and commissions.

Cathy was born April 27, 1947 in Michigan, moving to Florida in 1955. Her art studies began in grade school at Delray Beach, and more seriously at Palm Beach Day School. Her sculpture and paintings won awards at the Society of the Four Arts in Palm Beach throughout secondary school. 

She studied in the School of Architecture and Design, the University of Michigan, Sculpture and received her BA from Florida Atlantic University. She holds an MA in sculpture from the University of Miami. Commissions done in Pietrasanta and Carrara, Italy went to collections in Milan, West Germany, and Paris. She apprenticed with Luis Montoya Studios International, and has actively continued her studies with the top sculptors.

She is a member of The Salmagundi Club, Pen and Brush, The Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, Allied Artists of America, COGAP, Audubon Artists, American Artists Professional League, Society of Animal Artists, all in New York City, and American Women Artists, Queensbury, New York.

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